Nottingham - Harvey Hadden Stadium
Harvey Road : NG8 4PB
Nottingham - Harvey Hadden Stadium : Image credit Picture Nottingham Nottingham - Harvey Hadden Stadium : Image credit Wiki Commons The Harvey Hadden stadium opened in 1959 and had a 460m tarmac cycle track with a running track within it. The opening meeting was held on July 24-25th and featured three national championships; the 1,000m men's sprint - won by Lloyd Binch, the 5,000m men's professional pursuit - won by John Geddes and the women's 3,000m pursuit - won by Dot Johnson.

A Whitsun 1960 meeting at Harvey Hadden was organised by Long Eaton CC, who moved the event there from West Park. The racing was successful but attendance was poor and the organiser complained that the club stood to lose £100, which would mean they could not repeat the event the following year.

In 1961, the national tandem championships were held at Harvey Hadden and a "promising young cyclist, 17 year old Geoffrey Cooke, of Long Eaton" and cycle dealer Ron Davison came in third place.

Geoff Cooke won again at a top class track meet on 22nd September 1962, the event marked the retirement of champion sprinter Lloyd Binch.

In 1980, the Nottingham Track Association ran a track league on Wednesday evenings.

The cycle track was removed from Harvey Hadden stadium and in 2015 the £16m Harvey Hadden Sports Village was opened with a swimming pool, indoor running track, sports hall, badminton and tennis courts, a gym, outdoor running track, 5 football fields and a 1,500m cycle circuit.

Nottingham tracks.

Nottingham - Harvey Hadden Stadium : Image credit Wiki Commons Nottingham - Harvey Hadden Stadium : Image credit Tim Foster Nottingham - Harvey Hadden Stadium : Image credit Geoff Cooke private collection
Refs     : [27] [p]
Photos : Picture Nottingham, Wiki Commons, Tim Foster, Geoff Cooke private collection